Business Jets for Yachtsmen and Travelers that Make Wellness Soar

By Janine St.Denis
Posted July 19, 2022 in Aviation

We’ve all been there. That feeling that greets you upon touching down after a long flight. The mild disorientation, dry mouth, muscle stiffness and possibly a headache for a good measure. It’s no surprise that long-distance flights aren’t generally something travelers look forward to.

However, one business jet manufacturer has made it their mission to make the comfort and wellbeing of travelers their number one priority and they have both the innovations and patents to back it up.

When Bombardier launched their Global 7500 business jet they took the conventional wisdom out of aircraft design, deciding to start fresh from the inside out, defining the passenger experience and then essentially wrapping the aircraft around it. The result is a business jet that takes comfort and wellness to another level.

Aerial View Of Landscape Against Sky At Night

Bombardier designers started with the seat, reengineering and patenting an entirely new inner architecture (the first real change to an aircraft seat in over 30 years) to enable it to provide the first zero-gravity seating position in business aviation. Called Nuage, which means cloud in French, the seat is designed to provide the benefits of floating in a zero-gravity environment, reducing lower back pressure and aiding in circulation.

From the seat they went to sight and sound, equipping the interior with new ultra-large windows – six per living space – and engineering their Soleil lighting system that provides a circadian lighting functionality that can aid in synchronizing a traveler’s circadian rhythm to the time at their destination and can help combat jet lag. The company’s l’Opéra audio system is an audiophile’s dream with full range speakers throughout the interior and a directional audio sweet spot feature to channel the sound to your precise location in the cabin.

Bombardier Global 7500, photographed at Mojave Air & Space Port and across southern California on April 16-17, 2019, from Wolfe Air AStar 350B and Learjet 25B

Arguably the most important feature for passengers is air quality, which is why they developed the Pũr Air system, which features a HEPA and carbon filter to not only rid the air of up to 99.99% of viruses, allergens and bacteria, but the system refreshes the cabin air in less than 90 seconds. On top of this, their latest aircraft—the Global 8000 jet—takes cabin pressurization to another level with the lowest altitude among any business aircraft of only 2,900 feet, which is like a stroll through Yosemite National Park.

Working outwards, engineers set their sights on ride quality and designed an entirely new wing called the Smooth Flĕx Wing that, as the name suggests, is specially designed to flex and dampen turbulence in the cabin for the smoothest ride. The result is unsurpassed ride quality that helps travelers relax and essentially forget they are even flying.

With Bombardier’s latest offering, the Global 8000 aircraft, featuring an 8,000 nautical mile range, travelers will have the ability to reach more locations around the world direct than ever before. These longer distances mean more time spent in the air, but with features like the Nuage seat, Soleil lighting system, Pũr Air and the Smooth Flex Wing, travelers may find that the trip was the highlight of their journey.

For more information on Bombardiers Global family of business jets, please visit

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