"Entourage" embarked on its maiden voyage in 1995, setting sail from the renowned Norship shipyard in Norway. In 2023, this magnificent vessel underwent a transformational refit, ensuring a decade of worry-free cruising with an available 10-year warranty on its brand-new Caterpillar C-32 engines. As of September 13, 2023, these engines have only accumulated 25 hours of operation, making "Entourage" practically brand new, with the standard 3-year warranty set to begin at delivery.
The vessel underwent a comprehensive refit, estimated to be worth a staggering $3 million. This extensive makeover included the installation of a state-of-the-art A/C plant, ensuring the utmost comfort on board. The teak, both inside and out, was entirely replaced, rejuvenating the vessel's appearance and ensuring durability for years to come.
"Entourage" also received a power boost through the re-powering of its main propulsion system. The generators were meticulously rebuilt, ensuring seamless and reliable power generation during your journeys.
With these upgrades, "Entourage" is poised to offer an unparalleled yachting experience, blending modern amenities with timeless elegance. Whether you're exploring serene coastal waters or embarking on adventurous offshore voyages, "Entourage" is primed to deliver the utmost in luxury, comfort, and performance, all backed by substantial warranties for your peace of mind.
"Entourage" is the perfect Bahamas charter boat, with a 5'6" draft, Veem 5 blade high speed brand new props, props recessed in tunnels with preferred STRAIGHT SHAFT. All brand new shafts and cutlass bearings. With the yacht controller command and the precision of the joystick, navigating this vessel is an effortless and enjoyable experience.
Come see it today and bring all offers and trades. Inflatable slide included.
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